This project has developed partly by:
Dennis, metaalbewerking
Fokko, advice on indoor climate.
Julia, photos.
Katja, advice on materials.
Richard, advies over duurzamere verven en lakken.
Rudi, initiator/creator, doing market research for Green Planet on transition to more sustainable car fuels it became clear to me that we can not on old way move forward (this plan is rewarded with the unique opportunities scheme for energy transition projects and is realized).
Because I believe that sustainable technology deserves a more attractive image am I in past been involved in a solar race boat project in a inter organizational role.
Since I in addition to interest in sustainable vehicles also have a fascination for (folding) caravans I tried to build a bicycle caravan in functionality to the wishes, needs and interests of consumers. I me inspired by the principles of organic architecture where functionality and construction combined with attention to well-being of man in harmony with the environment.
In order to do something meaningful with the knowledge of my study commercial business administration, I decided in 2013 to investigate whether I could develop a sustainable and healthy alternative to the flight and car holiday and to promote it worldwide through marketing. At that time there were only a few bicycle caravans in the world. Through market research I investigated which functions the bicycle caravan should have and I developed the first prototype that I further developed through the experiences of mainly tenants. One of my goals was to popularize the bicycle caravans. Together with others, we have already reasonably succeeded. Because I am more of a developer than an entrepreneur, I do not immediately foresee a series production and that is why you will have to make do with a new, further developed bicycle caravan every now and then. Due to the high functionality and partly as a result of the higher complexity, outsourcing has come to nothing.
I am proud to have been the timetabler of Biology (CHE Excellence Ranking) and of Nanoscience, which was the best Top Master’s program in the Netherlands for three consecutive years according to the higher education guide.
Gewoonweg gaaf! Een lovenswaardig initiatief.
Ga zo door!
Wat een ontzettend leukontwerp, ik hou het in de gaten, mogelijk voor een vakantie in 2017.
Is het mogelijk mij een indicatieprijs door te geven voor een evt. aankoop van een fietscaravan door jullie ontworpen?
Dank alvast voor de opvolging.
Warme groet,
Van Clo
Beste Clo,
Ik bouw nu een nieuwe die als blauwdruk moet gaan dienen voor mensen met achterstand op de arbeidsmarkt die hem met een mooi machinepark willen gaan nabouwen. De prijs wordt bepaald via kostprijs met minimale marge. De optimistische schattingen gaan uit van 1500 euro. Aangezien ik er een extra functionaliteit aan ga toevoegen denk ik dat het iets duurde gaat uitvallen.
Met vriendelijke groet,